This event series is designed as a way for our Ph.D. scholars to share their science, exchange ideas, network, and socialize. Transportation is provided, and the event includes free food and drinks! Register to attend here.
What: IMPRS-IS Think & Link Date: Thursday, May 4, 2023 Time: 17:30 - 21:00 Location: MPI-IS Stuttgart Activity: Poster Session Speakers: Katrin Renz (University of Tübingen) & Jenny Schmalfuss (University of Stuttgart)
Who's ready to meet and hang out with fellow IMPRS-IS PhD scholars?!
This event series is designed to create a space for scientific networking and just hanging out with other researchers from our community.
Each IMPRS-IS Think & Link begins with two scientific talks from IMPRS-IS scholars.
We then have a social activity planned by event organizers followed by free dinner and drinks!
This edition of Think & Link will feature a poster session! You can indicate if you're interested in presenting a poster when registering.
Bus transportation from Tübingen to Stuttgart will be provided (details regarding transportation provided via email to registered participants prior to event).
Interested in meeting fellow IMPRS-IS scholars? Hearing more about their science? Finding new networking and collaborating opportunities? Want some free food and drinks?! Then come join us at our Think & Link event series.
To join us, simply register below!
With questions, please contact Sara Sorce (
Photo credit: MPI für Intelligent Systeme / Alejandro Posada
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